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  • 免疫病理学用抗体(サイトケラチン/アクチン/クロモグラニンAなど)


濃縮タイプと Ready-to-Use タイプをご用意 免疫病理学用抗体(サイトケラチン/アクチン/クロモグラニンAなど)


組織特異的抗原とエピトープを染色するモノクローナル抗体の使い方は簡便で、検出・シグナリング試薬をすぐに使えるよう、ルーチン作業用になっています。 これらテクニックに重要なのは、使用するモノクローナル抗体の親和性と特異性です。ENZ社の高親和性・高特異性モノクローナル抗体は強くクリアなシグナ ルを提供します。

ENZ社は2タイプの抗体、濃縮タイプと Ready-to-useタイプをご用意しています。


Cytokeratin 8 (human) Cytokeratin 1/5/10/14 (human)
Cytokeratin 1 (human) Melanoma Marker (human)
Muscle Actin Chromogranin A (human)
Smooth Muscle Actin Macrophage Marker (human)


  • 高い親和性
  • 高い特異性
  • 強いクリアなシグナル
  • 再現性

Cytokeratin 8 (human)

品番:ENZ30902 / ENZC34902
抗原:Low MW Cytokeratin [8]
サブタイプ:Mouse IgM
適用:IHC, IB
免疫原の調製:ヒト肝細胞癌セルライン Hwp3B 由来の Triton/High Salt-不溶性物質


1. Battifora, H. and Kopinski, M. (1986) The influence of protease digestion and duration of fixation on the immunostaining of keratins. A comparison of formalin and ethanol fixation. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 34:1095-1100.
2. Bolen, J. W. and McNutt, M. A. (1987) Cytoskeletal intermediate filaments: practical applications of intermediate filament analysis. Ultrastruct. Pathol. 11:175-189.
3. Gown, A. M. and Vogel, A. M. (1982) Monoclonal antibodies to intermediate filament proteins of human cells: unique and cross-reacting antibodies. J. Cell Biol. 95:414-424.
4. Gown, A. M. and Vogel, A. M. (1984) Monoclonal antibodies to human intermediate filament proteins. II. Distribution of filament proteins in normal human tissues. Am. J. Path. 114:309-321.
5. Gown, A. M. and Vogel, A. M. (1985) Monoclonal antibodies to human intermediate filament proteins. III. Analysis of tumors. Am. J. Clin. Path. 84:413-422.

品名 メーカー 品番 包装 希望販売価格
Anti Cytokeratin 8(35betaH11), Human (Mouse) Unlabeled, 35βH11詳細データ ENZ ENZ-30902 6 ML
Anti Cytokeratin 8, Human (Mouse) Unlabeled, 35βH11詳細データ ENZ ENZ-C34902 500 UL

Cytokeratin 1/5/10/14 (human)

品番:ENZ30903 / ENZC34903
抗原:High MW Cytokeratin-903 [1, 5, 10, 14]
サブタイプ:Mouse IgG1
適用:IHC, IB
免疫原の調製:ヒト角質由来可溶性ケラチン [足の角質層由来の 8M urea では不溶性だが、8M urea/ 0.1M b-mercaptoethanol/5% SDS では可溶性のタンパク質]


1. Battifora, H. and Kopinski, M. (1986) The influence of protease digestion and duration of fixation on the immunostaining of keratins. A comparison of formalin and ethanol fixation. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 34:1095-1100.
2. Gown, A. M. and Vogel, A. M. (1982) Monoclonal antibodies to intermediate filament proteins of human cells: unique and cross-reacting antibodies. J. Cell Biol. 95:414-424.
3. Gown, A. M. and Vogel, A. M. (1984) Monoclonal antibodies to human intermediate filament proteins. II. Distribution of filament proteins in normal human tissues. Am. J. Path. 114:309-321.
4. Gown, A. M. and Vogel, A. M. (1985) Monoclonal antibodies to human intermediate filament proteins. III. Analysis of tumors. Am. J. Clin. Path. 84:413-422.
5. Grignon, D. J., Ro, J. Y., Ordonez, N. G., Ayala, A. G. and Cleary, K. R. (1988) Basal cell hyperplasia, adenoid basal cell tumor and adenoid cystic carcinoma of the prostate gland. Human Pathol. 19:1425-1433.
6. Hedrick, L. and Epstein, J. I. (1989) Use of Keratin 903 as an adjunct in the diagnosis of prostate carcinoma. Am. J. Surg. Pathol. 13:389-396.

品名 メーカー 品番 包装 希望販売価格
Anti Cytokeratin 1/5/10/14, Human (Mouse) Unlabeled, 34βE12詳細データ ENZ ENZ-30903 6 ML
Anti Cytokeratin 1/5/10/14, Human (Mouse) Unlabeled, 34βE12詳細データ ENZ ENZ-C34903 500 UL

Cytokeratin 1 (human)

品番:ENZ30904 / ENZC34904
抗原:High MW Cytokeratin
サブタイプ:Mouse IgG1
免疫原の調製:ヒト角質由来可溶性ケラチン [足の角質層由来の 8M urea では不溶性だが、8M urea/ 0.1M b-mercaptoethanol/5% SDS では可溶性のタンパク質]


1. Battifora, H. and Kopinski, M. (1986) The influence of protease digestion and duration of fixation on the immunostaining of keratins. A comparison of formalin and ethanol fixation. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 34:1095-1100.
2. Gown, A. M. and Vogel, A. M. (1982) Monoclonal antibodies to intermediate filament proteins of human cells: unique and cross-reacting antibodies. J. Cell Biol. 95:414-424.
3. Gown, A. M. and Vogel, A. M. (1984) Monoclonal antibodies to human intermediate filament proteins. II. Distribution of filament proteins in normal human tissues. Am. J. Path. 114:309-321.
4. Gown, A. M. and Vogel, A. M. (1985) Monoclonal antibodies to human intermediate filament proteins. III. Analysis of tumors. Am. J. Clin. Path. 84:413-422.

品名 メーカー 品番 包装 希望販売価格
Anti Cytokeratin 1, Human (Mouse) Unlabeled, 34βB4詳細データ ENZ ENZ-30904 6 ML
Anti Cytokeratin 1, Human (Mouse) Unlabeled, 34βB4詳細データ ENZ ENZ-C34904 500 UL

Melanoma Marker (human)

品番:ENZ30930 / ENZC34930
抗原:Melanoma-specific antigen
サブタイプ:Mouse IgG1


1. Duray, P. H., Palazzo, J., Gown, A. M. and Ohuchi, N. (1988) Melanoma cell heterogeneity: a study of two monoclonal antibodies compared with S-100 protein in paraffin sections. Cancer 61:2460-2468.
2. Gown, A. M., et al. (1985) Monoclonal antibodies to a melanoma-specific cytoplasmic antigen. Lab. Invest. 52:25A.
3. Gown, A. M., Vogel, A. M., Hoak, D., Goush, F. and McNutt, M. A. (1986) Monoclonal antibodies specific for melanocytic tumors distinguish subpopulations of melanocytes. Am. J. Path. 123:195-203.
4. Ordonez, N. G., Xiaolong, J. and Hickey, R. C. (1988) Comparison of HMB-45 monoclonal antibody and S-100 protein in the immunohistochemical diagnosis of melanoma. Am. J. Clin. Path. 90:385-390.
5. Wick, M. R., Stanley, S. J. and Swanson, P. E. (1988) Immunohistochemical diagnosis of sinonasal melanoma, carcinoma, and neuroblastoma with monoclonal antibodies HMB-45 and anti-synaptophysin. Arch. Path. Lab. Med. 112:616-620.
6. Wick, M. R., Swanson, P. E. and Rocamora, A. (1988) Recognition of malignant melanoma by monoclonal antibody HMB-45. An immunohistochemical study of 200 paraffin-embedded cutaneous tumors. J. Cutan. Path. 15:201-207.

品名 メーカー 品番 包装 希望販売価格
Anti Melanoma Marker, Human (Mouse) Unlabeled, HMB45詳細データ ENZ ENZ-30930 6 ML
Anti Melanoma Marker, Human (Mouse) Unlabeled, HMB45詳細データ ENZ ENZ-C34930 500 UL

Muscle Actin

品番:ENZ30931 / ENZC34931
抗原:Muscle Actin (actin-a and actin-g)
サブタイプ:Mouse IgG1
適用:IHC, IB
交差種:human, monkey, rabbit
免疫原の調製:ヒト心筋 [2%SDS で抽出されたタンパク質]


1. Charbord, P., Gown, A. M., Keating, A. and Singer, J. W. (1985) CGA-7 and HHF, two monoclonal antibodies that recognize muscle actin and react with adherent cells in human long-term bone marrow cultures. Blood 66:1138-1142.
2. Gown, A. M., Tsukada, T. and Ross, R. (1986) Human atherosclerosis. II. Immunocytochemical analysis of the cellular composition of human atherosclerotic lesions. Am. J. Pathol. 125:191-207.
3. Schmidt, R. A. Cone, R., Haas, J. E. and Gown, A. M. (1987) Diagnosis of Rhabdomyosarcomas using HHF35, an anti-muscle actin monoclonal antibody. Lab. Invest. 56:70A.
4. Schmidt, R. A. Cone, R., Haas, J. E. and Gown, A. M. (1988) Diagnosis of Rhabdomyosarcomas with HHF35, a monoclonal antibody directed against muscle actins. Am. J. Path. 131:19-28.
5. Tsukada, T., et al. (1986) HHF35, a muscle actin-specific monoclonal antibody. I. Immunocytochemical and biochemical characterization. Am. J. Path. 126:51-60.
6. Tsukada, T., et al. (1987) HHF35, a muscle actin-specific monoclonal antibody. II. Reactivity in normal, reactive and neoplastic human tissues. Am. J. Path. 127:389-402.

品名 メーカー 品番 包装 希望販売価格
Anti Muscle Actin, Human (Mouse) Unlabeled, HHF35詳細データ ENZ ENZ-30931 6 ML
Anti Muscle Actin, Human (Mouse) Unlabeled, HHF35詳細データ ENZ ENZ-C34931 500 UL

Chromogranin A (human)

品番:ENZ30932 / ENZC34932
抗原:Chromogranin A in neuroendocrine cells
サブタイプ:Mouse IgG1


1. Riddell, K., Tippens, D. and Gown, A. M. (1987) PHE5, a new monoclonal antibody to a unique neuroendocrine granule protein. Lab. Invest. 56:64A.
2. Lloyd, R. V., et al. (1988) Distribution of Chromogranin A and Secretogranin I (Chromogranin B) in Neuroendocrine Cells and Tumors. Am. J. Pathol. 130:296-304.
3. Bordi, C., Pilato, E. P. and D’Adda, T. (1988) Comparative study of seven neuroendocrine markers in pancreatic endocrine tumours. Virchows Archiv. A. Path. Anat. 413:387-398.
4. Papotti, M., et al. (1989) Neuroendocrine differentiation in carcinomas of the breast: a study of 51 cases. Sem. in Diag. Path. 6:174-188.

品名 メーカー 品番 包装 希望販売価格
Anti Chromogranin A, Human (Mouse) Unlabeled, PHE5詳細データ ENZ ENZ-30932 6 ML
Anti Chromogranin A, Human (Mouse) Unlabeled, PHE5詳細データ ENZ ENZ-C34932 500 UL

Smooth Muscle Actin

品番:ENZ30933 / ENZC34933
抗原:Smooth Muscle Actin (actin-a and actin-g)
サブタイプ:Mouse IgG2b
適用:IHC, IB
交差種:chicken, rabbit, monkey, human


1. Charbord, P., Gown, A. M., Keating, A. and Singer, J. W. (1985) CGA-7 and HHF, two monoclonal antibodies that recognize muscle actin and react with adherent cells in human long-term bone marrow cultures. Blood 66:1138-1142.
2. Gown, A. M., Vogel, A. M., Gordon, D. and Lu, P. L. (1985) A smooth muscle-specific monoclonal antibody recognizes smooth muscle actin isozymes. J. Cell Biol. 100:807-813.
3. Tsukada, T., et al., (1985) Smooth muscle cell and macrophage specific monoclonal antibodies in the immunocytochemical analysis of human and rabbit atherosclerotic lesions. Circulation 72 (Suppl. III):34.

品名 メーカー 品番 包装 希望販売価格
Anti Smooth Muscle Actin,  (Mouse) Unlabeled, CGA7詳細データ ENZ ENZ-30933 6 ML
Anti Smooth Muscle Actin,  (Mouse) Unlabeled, CGA7詳細データ ENZ ENZ-C34933 500 UL

Macrophage Marker (human)

品番:ENZ30935 / ENZC34935
サブタイプ:Mouse IgM
交差種:human, monkey


1. Gown, A. M., Tsukada, T. and Ross, R. (1986) Human atherosclerosis. II. Immunocytochemical analysis of the cellular composition of human atherosclerotic lesions. Am. J. Pathol. 125:191-207.
2. Alpers, C. E., Magil, A. B. and Gown, A. M. (1989) Macrophage origin of the multinucleated cells of myeloma cast nephropathy. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 92:662-665.

品名 メーカー 品番 包装 希望販売価格
Anti Macrophage Marker, Human (Mouse) Unlabeled, HAM56詳細データ ENZ ENZ-30935 6 ML
Anti Macrophage Marker, Human (Mouse) Unlabeled, HAM56詳細データ ENZ ENZ-C34935 500 UL






