

ランチョンセミナー 12/13(第35回日本分子生物学会年会)

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Methods for quantitative measurement of proteostasis in life science research

ランチョンセミナー  12月13日(木) | 12月14日(金)

日時 : 12 月13 日(木) 12:00 〜 13:00

会場 : 第3会場 [ 福岡国際会議場4F (401 〜 403) ]

セミナー番号 : 3BT3

主催 : コスモ・バイオ 株式会社

協賛 : Enzo Life Sciences


Michael C. Mullenix, Ph. D.
演者VP of Research and Development, Ann Arbor


Protein homeostasis or 'proteostasis' is the process that regulates proteins within the cell in order to maintain the health of both the cellular proteome and the organism itself. Proteostasis involves a highly complex interconnection of pathways that influence the fate of a protein from synthesis to degradation. As individual components are affected, the others adjust accordingly to maintain normal function. Disruption of one or more of these proteostasis influencers can manifest in pathologies such as Alzheimer's disease, cancer, and diabetes. Loss of proteostasis can lead to abnormal cell states such as unchecked growth (cancer), triggering of cell death pathways and production of improperly folded or non-functional proteins. Enzo provides quantitative experimental techniques to measure disruption of proteostasis as indicated by physical and physiological changes in cells, tissues and other biological samples. The presentation will provide an overview of methodologies within the areas of protein synthesis, modification, and degradation. A focus will be made on ubiquitin/proteasome and heat shock protein research reagents. In addition, an overview of autophagy as an emerging pathway of interest in cellular regulation of protein turnover, will be provided. The overview will include how autophagy's relationship to disease can be quantified and characterized by our first-to-market immunoassays, cell based assays, and compound libraries.

Integrated Solutions for Improving Human Health

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Whether your focus is disease research, target identification and validation, process monitoring, or diagnostic test development, our products work for you. Our breadth of scientific expertise coupled with unique technology platforms give us the flexibility to drive innovation throughout the entire research continuum. From life sciences research discovery efforts, through drug development, and into clinical research, our comprehensive range of products are designed to support your goals. When a standard catalog product does not meet your needs, talk to us about custom solutions; we can help.


配布場所 : 福岡国際会議場1階エントランスホール

配布開始時間 : 当日発表分、8時より11まで配布。但し無くなり次第終了。

お問合せ: コスモ・バイオ株式会社 製品情報部 セミナー事務局
TEL:03-5632-9622 email: seminar@cosmobio.co.jp

コスモ・バイオ 株式会社 Enzo Life Sciences,Inc.




