

ランチョンセミナーのお知らせ 9月7日(金) (第5回国際組織工学・再生医療学会 世界会議2018−京都) [終了]



Introduction of Xeno-Free culture system and novel fibrous hydrogel scaffold to accelerate the research and development of regenerative medicine and 3D tissue engineering

日程 : 2018年9月7日(金)

会場 : 第4会場 (国立京都国際会館 Room A)

座長 : 田畑 泰彦 先生
(京都大学ウイルス・再生医科学研究所 再生組織構築研究部門 生体材料学分野)

演題1:Defined, Xeno-Free culture system for therapeutic grade human mesenchymal stem cells manufacturing and scale up applications 

演者 : David Fiorentini

講演者ご所属 : Biological Industries Israel Beit-Haemek, VP for Scientific Affairs


Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) are multipotent adult stem cells that can be isolated from variety of human tissues such as bone marrow, adipose, placenta, cord blood, dental pulp and Wharton jelly. hMSC have the ability to differentiate into bone, cartilage and fat cells and are the subject of many clinical trials for a range of regenerative and inflammatory diseases.

In most clinical applications hMSC are expanded in vitro before use. The quality of the culture media and auxiliary solutions is particularly crucial regarding therapeutic applications, since hMSC properties can be significantly affected by medium components and culture conditions. Furthermore, current methods of production rely on traditional monolayer culture on tissue-culture plastic, however the monolayer culturing system has scale-up limitations, requires pre-coating and may not meet the projected huge number of cells needed for therapy.

The presentation addressed the development of an innovative xeno-free culture system, comprising of MSC NutriStem® XF culture medium and the required auxiliary solutions to support the growth and expansion of clinical grade hMSC. In addition, the possible manufacture of hMSC using specially treated plastic culture ware or microcarriers suspension culture to overcome scale up constraints will be discussed.

  • 関連情報: MSC NutriStem® XF ヒト間葉系幹細胞用ゼノフリー培地

Novel fibrous hydrogel scaffold for 3D tissue architecture

演者 : 早乙女 俊樹

講演者ご所属 : 日本毛織株式会社 研究開発センター


Cellular functions are improved by three dimensional mutual interactions. Therefore, it is very important to construct 3D tissue architecture for cell research, drug discovery research and regenerative medicine. Gelatin is proven to be applicable to medical devices due to its biocompatibility, cell affinity and bio degradability. But gelatin sponge has some problems for 3D scaffold because of its poor physical properties. To be precise, gelatin sponge becomes deformed during cell culturing and the pore structure which is necessary for cell proliferation disappears.

Our newly developed gelatin nonwoven is composed of gelatin only. Therefore it keeps superior characteristics of gelatin and no shrinkage was observed during cell culturing because of its improved physical properties. When this gelatin nonwoven was used for the carrier of cell sheet stacking, cell sheet was absorbed into the nonwoven and combined. Accordingly, it gave easy handling and speedup in preparing the laminate. Even in the laminate, cells were living and more than 1mm thick cell aggregates were observed after long time culturing. In the seminar, further experimental example of 3D scaffold for cell culturing will be introduced.

細胞は 3次元的に相互作用することでその生体機能が向上するため、3次元の組織をいかに構築するかが、細胞研究、創薬研究や再生医療において重要である。ゼラチンは、医療機器としての前例があり、生体適合性、細胞親和性、生体吸収性が実証された材料であるが、3次元足場材としてスポンジ形状にすると、単体では、力学物性が乏しく培養時に変形し、細胞増殖に必要な孔構造がなくなることが課題であった。

弊社が開発したゼラチン不織布は、ゼラチンのみから構成され、素材としてのゼラチンの特性を損なわない一方で特殊な 3次元の網目構造を有し、優れた力学物性を持ち培養時に収縮しない。このゼラチン不織布を、細胞シート積層のキャリアーとして用いると、細胞シートがゼラチン不織布に吸着され、一体化することで、容易にハンドリングでき、積層体作製の時間短縮が可能である。得られた積層体では、積層体内部においても細胞が生存し、長期培養により、厚さ 1 mm 以上の細胞凝集体が得られた。セミナーでは、さらに 3次元培養足場としての使用についても紹介する。




