






タンパク質発現の調節は細胞成長や細胞周期の進展に密接に関わっています。従って、翻訳病態生理学ではヒトの病気のメカニズムや翻訳に関わる過程が治療の ターゲットになるという認識が高まっています。mRNAの翻訳は、initiation (開始)・elongation (伸長)・termination (終結) といった段階からなります。

多くの真核生物翻訳開始因子 (eIFs) は開始段階で特異的に働きます。eIFs や 翻訳開始の最終目的は 80Sリボソームの形成とリボソームのP部位上にmRNAの開始コドン、Met-tRNAの配置をすることです。この過程は 40Sリボソームサブユニット、特異的eIFs そして eIlF2、GTP、Met-tRNA の3つからなる複合体を含む43S開始前複合体の集合から始まります。開始前複合体は48S複合体を形成するために、eIF4Fヘテロ3両体複合体を介し て mRNA の m7G cap に結合します。

この複合体は、開始コドンAUGの塩基ペアの5’ 非翻訳領域を認識します。 続いて48S複合体はバラバラに分離し、40S と 60S リボソームサブユニットに再編成し、ペプチド合成の伸長段階を指揮する 80Sリボソームを形成します。翻訳開始制御の変化はヒトの病気を発症させるメカニズムの一つとされていますので、翻訳制御を理解することで関連疾患の治 療・診療の手がかりとなります。


Detection of Human and Mouse eIF2beta/EIF2S2 by Western Blot (h&m) and Immunoprecipitation (h).
Detection of Human and Mouse eIF2beta/EIF2S2 by
Western Blot (h&m) and Immunoprecipitation (h).

Samples: Whole cell lysate from HeLa (5, 15 and 50 mcg forWB; 1 mg for IP,
20% of IP loaded),293T (T; 50 mcg), and mouse NIH3T3 (M; 50 mcg) cells.
Antibodies: Affi nity purified rabbit anti-eIF2beta/EIF2S2 antibody
A301-743A used for WB at 0.04 mcg/ml (A) and 1 mcg/ml (B) and used for
IP at 3 mcg/mg lysate. eIF2beta/EIF2S2 was immunoprecipitated
less effi ciently by rabbit anti-eIF2beta/EIF2S2 antibody A301-742A,
which recognizes an upstream epitope. For blotting immunoprecipitated
eIF2beta/EIF2S2 the ReliaBLOTR Reagents and Procedures
(Cat. No. WB120) were used.
Detection: Chemiluminescence with exposure times of 10 seconds (A and B).

Detection of Human EIF3S9/eIF3B by Western Blot and Immunoprecipitation.
Detection of Human EIF3S9/eIF3B by Western Blot and
Samples: Whole cell lysate from
HeLa (5, 15 and 50 mcg for WB; 1 mg for IP, 20% of IP
loaded) and 293T (T; 50 mcg) cells. Antibody: Affi nity purifi
ed rabbit anti-EIF3S9/eIF3B antibody A301-761A used for
WB at 0.04 mcg/ml (A) and 1 mcg/ml (B) and used for IP
at 3 mcg/mg lysate. EIF3S9/eIF3B was also immunoprecipitated
by rabbit anti-EIF3S9/eIF3B antibody A301-760A,
which recognizes an upstream epitope. For blotting immunoprecipitated
EIF3S9/eIF3B, the ReliaBLOTR Reagents
and Procedures (Cat. No. WB120) were used. Detection:
Chemiluminescence with exposure times of 10 seconds (A)
and 1 second (B).

Detection of Human eIF3X by Western Blot and Immunoprecipitation.
Detection of Human eIF3X by Western Blot and Immunoprecipitation.
Samples: Whole cell lysate from HeLa (5, 15 and 50 mcg for
WB; 1 mg for IP, 20% of IP loaded) and 293T (T; 50 mcg) cells. Antibody:
Affi nity purifi ed rabbit anti-eIF3X antibody A301-764A used for
WB at 0.04 mcg/ml (A) and 1 mcg/ml (B) and used for IP at 3 mcg/
mg lysate. eIF3X was also immunoprecipitated by rabbit anti-eIF3X
antibody A301-765A, which recognizes a downstream epitope. For
blotting immunoprecipitated eIF3X, the ReliaBLOTR Reagents and
Procedures (Cat. No. WB120) were used. Detection: Chemiluminescence
with exposure times of 3 minutes (A) and 1 second (B).

Detection of Human eIF4B by Western Blot and Immunoprecipitation.
Detection of Human eIF4B by Western Blot and Immunoprecipitation.
Samples: Whole cell lysate (5, 15 and 50 mcg for WB; 1 mg
for IP, 20% of IP loaded) from HeLa cells. Antibody: Affi nity purifi ed
rabbit anti-eIF4B antibody A301-767A used for WB at 0.04 mcg/ml (A)
and 1 mcg/ml (B) and used for IP at 3 mcg/mg lysate. eIF4B was also
immunoprecipitated by rabbit anti-eIF4B antibody A301-766A, which
recognizes an upstream epitope. For blotting immunoprecipitated
eIF4B, the ReliaBLOTR Reagents and Procedures (Cat. No. WB120)
were used. Detection: Chemiluminescence with exposure times of 10
seconds (A) and 3 seconds (B).




品名 メーカー 品番 包装 希望販売価格
Anti 4EBP1, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET IHC-00133 0.1 ML
[50+ slides]
5 を参照
Anti 4EBP1, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A300-501A 0.1 MG
[100 μl (1000 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF2β/EIF2S2, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-743A 0.02 MG
[100 μl (200 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF2β/EIF2S2, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-742A 0.02 MG
[100 μl (200 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF2α/EIF2S1, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A300-721A 0.02 MG
[100 μl (200 μg/ml)]
Anti GCN2, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A300-555A 0.1 MG
[100 μl (1000 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF2β/EIF2S2 AbVantageTM Pack (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A310-621A 1 PACK
Anti eIF3X, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-765A 0.02 MG
[100 μl (200 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF3X, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-764A 0.02 MG
[100 μl (200 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF3K/EIF3S12, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-763A 0.02 MG
[100 μl (200 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF3K/EIF3S12, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-762A 0.1 MG
[100 μl (1000 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF3B/EIF3S9, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-761A 0.02 MG
[100 μl (200 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF3B/EIF3S9, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-760A 0.02 MG
[100 μl (200 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF3D/EIF3S7, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-759A 0.02 MG
[100 μl (200 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF3D/EIF3S7, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-758A 0.02 MG
[100 μl (200 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF3G/EIF3S4, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-757A 0.02 MG
[100 μl (200 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF3G/EIF3S4, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-756A 0.02 MG
[100 μl (200 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF3G/EIF3S4, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-755A 0.02 MG
[100 μl (200 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF3H/EIF3S3, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-754A 0.1 MG
[100 μl (1000 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF3J/EIF3S1, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-746A 0.1 MG
[100 μl (1000 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF3C/eIF3S8, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A300-377A 0.1 MG
[100 μl (1000 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF3X AbVantageTM Pack (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A310-630A 1 PACK
Anti eIF3K/EIF3S12 AbVantageTM Pack (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A310-629A 1 PACK
Anti eIF3B/EIF3S9 AbVantageTM Pack (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A310-628A 1 PACK
Anti eIF3D/EIF3S7 AbVantageTM Pack (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A310-627A 1 PACK
Anti eIF3G/EIF3S4 AbVantageTM Pack (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A310-626A 1 PACK
Anti eIF4B, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-767A 0.02 MG
[100 μl (200 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF4G1/eIF4GI, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-776A 0.02 MG
[100 μl (200 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF4G1/eIF4GI, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-775A 0.02 MG
[100 μl (200 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF4G1/eIF4GI, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-774A 0.02 MG
[100 μl (200 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF4G3/eIF4GII, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-770A 0.1 MG
[100 μl (1000 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF4G3/eIF4GII, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-769A 0.1 MG
[100 μl (1000 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF4G3/eIF4GII, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-768A 0.02 MG
[100 μl (200 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF4B, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-766A 0.1 MG
[100 μl (1000 μg/ml)]
Anti 4E-T (eIF4E-T), Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET IHC-00127 0.1 ML
[50+ slides]
25 を参照
Anti eIF4E, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-154A 0.02 MG
[100 μl (200 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF4E, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-153A 0.1 MG
[100 μl (1000 μg/ml)]
Anti 4E-T/eIF4E-T, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A300-706A 0.1 MG
[100 μl (1000 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF4G1/eIF4GI, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A300-502A 0.1 MG
[100 μl (1000 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF4G1/eIF4GI AbVantageTM Pack (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A310-634A 1 PACK
Anti eIF4G3/eIF4GII AbVantageTM Pack (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A310-632A 1 PACK
Anti eIF4B AbVantageTM Pack (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A310-631A 1 PACK
Anti eIF4E AbVantageTM Pack, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A310-383A 1 PACK
Anti eIF5, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-771A 0.02 MG
[100 μl (200 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF5B/IF2, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-745A 0.02 MG
[100 μl (200 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF5B/IF2, Human (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A301-744A 0.02 MG
[100 μl (200 μg/ml)]
Anti eIF5B/IF2 AbVantageTM Pack (Rabbit) Unlabeled詳細データ BET A310-622A 1 PACK







