
記事ID : 14255

corticosterone を3時間で定量 コルチコステロン測定ELISA キット


コルチコステロン ELISA キットは、コルチコステロン(corticosterone)を測定します。

動物のストレス研究に使用できる競合法によるイムノアッセイ(比色)で、3時間以内に結果が得られます。405 nm の吸光度を測定します。関連するステロイドとの交差反応が少なく、検出範囲が広いことから、様々な種由来サンプルの測定に最適です。

  • 文献で使用されているサンプル一覧はこちら PDF


図1 コルチコステロン
図1 コルチコステロン




  • ハイスループット−最大 39 サンプル(n=2)を3時間で測定
  • 信頼性−動物のストレスレベルを定期的にモニターするために動物園で使用
  • 柔軟性−様々なサンプルに適した広い検出範囲
  • 感度−27.0 pg/mL (検出範囲 32 - 20,000 pg/mL)
  • 適用−様々な動物種由来の培養上清、糞便、血漿(EDTA-2Na, EDTA-2K)、血清、唾液


  • ロバ抗ヒツジ IgG マイクロタイタープレート(96ウェル)
  • コルチコステロン ELISA コンジュゲート
  • コルチコステロン ELISA 抗体
  • アッセイバッファー
  • 洗浄バッファー
  • コルチコステロンスタンダード
  • ステロイド置換試薬
  • p-Npp 基質
  • 停止溶液
  • コルチコステロンアッセイ レイアウトシート
  • プレートシーラー


コルチコステロン (100%)、デオキシコルチコステロン (21.3%)、デスオキシコルチコステロン (21.0%)
プロゲステロン (0.46%)、テストステロン (0.31%)、テトラヒドロコルチコステロン (0.28%)
アルドステロン (0.18%)、コルチゾール (0.046%)

<0.03%: プレグネノロン、エストラジオール、コルチゾン、11-デヒドロコルチコステロン酢酸塩


図2 スタンダードカーブ
図2 スタンダードカーブ

  1. T. Chard,"An Introduction to Radioimmunoassay & Related Techniques 4th Ed.,", (1990) Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  2. P. Tijssen,"Practice & Theory of Enzyme Immunoassays", (1985) Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  3. J.M. Hupe, et al, Nature, (1998) 394: 784-787.
  4. A.S. Kitaysky, et al, J. Comp. Physiol, (2001) 171: 701-709.
  5. O. Thellin, Shock, (2001) 16(5): 393-397.
  6. K.M. Krame and R.B. Sothern, Chronobiol. Int., (2001) 18(6): 933-945.
  7. G. Vazquez-Palacios, et al,. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behavior, (2001) 70(2-3): 305-310.
  8. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards Evaluation Protocols, SC1, (1989) Villanova, PA: NCCLS.

コルチコステロン測定ELISA キット

品名 メーカー 品番 包装 希望販売価格
Corticosterone ELISA kit詳細データ ENZ ADI-900-097 96 WELL
Corticosterone ELISA kit詳細データ ENZ ADI-901-097 5*96 WELL


  • Sex differences and similarities in the neuroendocrine regulation of social behavior in an African cichlid fish: L.A. O'Connell, et al.; Horm. Behav. 64, 468 (2013), Application(s): EIA using fish plasma, Abstract;
  • Comparative patterns of adrenal activity in captive and wild Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) : K.V. Fanson, et al.; J. Comp. Physiol. B. 182, 157 (2012), Application(s): EIA using lynx feces, Abstract;
  • Environmental enrichment during rearing alters corticosterone levels, thymocyte numbers, and aggression in female BALB/c mice: E.K. Hutchinson, et al.; J. Am. Assoc. Lab. Anim. 51, 18 (2012), Application(s): ELISA using mouse urine, Abstract; Full Text
  • Oral gavage in rats: animal welfare evaluation: P.V. Turner, et al.; J. Am. Assoc. Lab. Anim. Sci. 51, 25 (2012), Application(s): EIA using rat feces, Abstract; Full Text
  • Periodic maternal separation decreases hippocampal neurogenesis without affecting basal corticosterone during the stress hyporesponsive period, but alters HPA axis and coping behavior in adulthood: N. Lajud, et al.; Psychoneuroendocrinology 37, 410 (2012), Application(s): Corticosterone levels in rat plasma, Abstract;
  • Role of the pituitary–adrenal axis in granulocyte-colony stimulating factor-induced neuroprotection against hypoxia–ischemia in neonatal rats: M.S. Charles, et al.; Neurobiol. Dis. 47, 29 (2012), Application(s): ELISA using rat plasma, Abstract;
  • The CRF1 receptor antagonist SSR125543 attenuates long-term cognitive deficit induced by acute inescapable stress in mice, independently from the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis: J. Philbert, et al.; Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 102, 415 (2012), Application(s): ELISA using mouse plasma, Abstract;
  • Effects of short-term fasting in male Sprague-Dawley rats: M.H. Nowland, et al.; Comp. Med. 61, 138 (2011), Application(s): Rat serum corticosterone, Abstract; Full Text
  • Pumilio-2 function in the mouse nervous system: H. Siemen, et al.; PLoS One 6, e25932 (2011), Application(s): Feces and serum corticosterone, Abstract; Full Text
  • Restraint stress and repeated corticotrophin-releasing factor receptor activation in the amygdala both increase amyloid-beta precursor protein and amyloid-beta peptide but have divergent effects on brain-derived neurotrophic factor and pre-synaptic proteins in the prefrontal cortex of rats: Ray, et al.; Neuroscience 184, 139 (2011),
  • Strain differences in the neurochemical response to chronic restraint stress in the rat: Relevance to depression: C.M. O'Mahony, et al.; Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 97, 690 (2011), Application(s): Rat plasma corticosterone, Abstract;
  • Stress and glucocorticoids regulated corticotropin releasing factor in rat prefrontal cortex: Q.Y. Meng, et al.; Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 342, 54 (2011), Application(s): Corticosterone levels in rat plasma, Abstract;
  • Alcohol extract of Echinacea pallida reverses stress-delayed wound healing in mice: Z. Zhai, et al.; Phytomedicine 16, 669 (2009), Application(s): Mouse plasma corticosterone , Abstract; Full Text
  • Dietary sodium manipulation during critical periods in development sensitize adult offspring to amphetamines: F. Flynn, et al. ; Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 295, R899 (2008), Application(s): EIA using rat plasma, Abstract;
  • Lack of adrenomedullin in the mouse brain results in behavioral changes, anxiety, and lower survival under stress conditions: A. Martinez, et al. ; PNAS 105, 12581 (2008), Application(s): EIA using mouse serum, Abstract;
  • MCP-1-deficient mice show reduced neuroinflammatory responses and increased peripheral inflammatory responses to peripheral endotoxin insult: L. Van, et al.; J. Neuroinflammation 5, U1 (2008), Application(s): EIA using mouse serum, Abstract; Full Text
  • The probiotic Bifidobacteria infantis: An assessment of potential antidepressant properties in the rat: L. Desbonnet, et al. ; J. Psychiatr. Res. 43, 164 (2008), Application(s): EIA using rat plasma, Abstract;
  • Streptozotocin induces G(2) arrest in skeletal muscle myoblasts and impairs muscle growth in vivo: T. Hawke, et al. ; Am. J. Physiol., Cell Physiol. 292, C1033 (2007), Application(s): EIA using rat serum, Abstract;
  • The anorexic effect of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone ismediated by corticotrophin-releasing factor in chicks: T. Tachibana, et al. ; Comp. Biochem. Physiol., Part A Mol. Integr. Physiol. 147, 173 (2007), Application(s): EIA using avian plasma, Abstract;
  • Leptin Corrects Host Defense Defects after Acute Starvation in Murine Pneumococcal Pneumonia : P. Mancuso, et al.; Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 173, 212 (2006), Application(s): ELISA using mouse whole blood, Abstract; Full Text
  • CRH stimulation of corticosteroids production in melanocytes is mediated by ACTH: A. Slominski, et al. ; Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. 288, E701 (2005), Application(s): EIA using human culture supernatants, Abstract;
  • Early life immune challenge alters innate immune responses to lipopolysaccharide: implications for host defense as adults: S. Ellis, et al. ; FASEB J. 19, 1519 (2005), Application(s): EIA using rat plasma, Abstract;
  • Hypertension from targeted ablation of chromogranin A can be rescued by the human ortholog: N.R. Mahapatra, et al. ; J. Clin. Invest. 115, 1942 (2005), Application(s): EIA using mouse cell lysates, Abstract;
  • Stress hormones: a link between maternal condition and sex-biased reproductive investment: O.P. Love, et al.; Am. Nat. 166, 751 (2005), Application(s): EIA using avian plasma, Abstract;
  • Urinary corticosterone measures: effects of strain and social rank in BKW and CD-1 mice: A.E. Fitchett, et al.; Behav. Processes 70, 168 (2005), Application(s): ELISA using mouse urine, Abstract;






