Testosterone ELISA キットは、テストステロンを比色法により定量的に測定できる ELISA キットです。
- 高感度検出
- プレコートプレート入り
- 使用文献多数
品名 | 交差性 | サンプルタイプ | 感度 | 測定範囲 | 品番 |
Testosterone ELISA kit | 種問わず | 細胞培養上清、血漿 (ヒト以外)、血清 (ヒト以外)、唾液、糞便*、組織抽出液* | 5.67 pg/ml | 7.81 - 2,000 pg/ml | ADI-900-065 ADI-901-065 |
Testosterone high sensitivity ELISA kit | Human | 血漿、血清、尿 | 2.6 pg/ml | 3.9 - 1,000 pg/ml | ADI-900-176 ADI-901-176 |
Testosterone ELISA キット
品名 | メーカー | 品番 | 包装 | 希望販売価格 |
Testosterone ELISA kit | ENZ | ADI-900-065 | 96 WELL |
¥87,000 |
Testosterone ELISA kit | ENZ | ADI-901-065 | 5*96 WELL |
¥352,000 |
Testosterone high sensitivity ELISA kit, Human | ENZ | ADI-900-176 | 1*96 WELL |
¥92,000 |
Testosterone high sensitivity ELISA kit, Human | ENZ | ADI-901-176 | 5*96 WELL |
¥364,000 |
■品番:ADI-900-065(Testosterone ELISA kit)
- microRNA expression profiles in the ventral hippocampus during pubertal development and the impact of peri-pubertal binge alcohol exposure: A. Asimes, et al.; Noncoding RNA 5, 21 (2019), Application(s): ELISA using rat plasma
- Physiological adaptation to simultaneous chronic exposure to high-fat diet and dichlorodipheniletylhene (DDE) in Wistar rat testis: V. Migliaccio, et al.; Cells 8, 443 (2019), Application(s): ELISA using rat serum
- The mouse microbiome is required for sex-specific diurnal rhythms of gene expression and metabolism: B.D. Weger, et al.; Cell. Metab. 29, 362 (2019), Application(s): ELISA using mouse serum
- Bisphenol A initiates excessive premature activation of primordial follicles in mouse ovaries via the PTEN signaling pathway: Y. Hu, et al.; Reprod. Sci. 25, 609 (2018), Application(s): ELISA using mouse serum
- Can concentrations of steroid hormones in brown bear hair reveal age class?: M. Cattet, et al.; Conserv. Physiol. 6, coy001 (2018), Application(s): ELISA using brown bear hair samples
- Endotoxin rapidly desensitizes the gonads to kisspeptin-induced luteinizing hormone release in male Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus): K.L.P. Long, et al.; J. Exp. Biol. 221, jeb185504 (2018), Application(s): ELISA using hamster serum
- Environmental warming and feminization of one of the largest sea turtle populations in the world: M.P. Jensen, et al.; Curr. Biol. 28, 154 (2018), Application(s): Testoterone levels in sea turtle plasma
- Inflammatory Responses are Sex Specific in Chronic Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy: A. Al Mamun, et al.; Cell Transplant. 27, 1328 (2018), Application(s): EIA using human serum
- MAFB is dispensable for the fetal testis morphogenesis and the maintenance of spermatogenesis in adult mice: H.H. Shawki, et al.; PLoS One 13, e0190800 (2018)
- Multiple aspects of male germ cell development and interactions with Sertoli cells require inositol hexakisphosphate kinase-1: C. Fu, et al.; Sci. Rep. 8, 7039 (2018)
- Reproductive functions in Desmodus rotundus: A comparison between seasons in a morphological context: A.C.F. Souza, et al.; PLoS One 13, e0205023 (2018), Application(s): ELISA using bat serum
- A high-fat diet impairs reproduction by decreasing the IL1β level in mice treated at immature stage: J. Zhang, et al.; Sci. Rep. 7, 567 (2017)
- In vivo evaluation of hot water extract of Acorus gramineus root against benign prostatic hyperplasia: J.M. Moon, et al.; BMC Infect. Dis. 17, 414 (2017)
- In vivo transplantation of 3D encapsulated ovarian constructs in rats corrects abnormalities of ovarian failure: S. Sittajody, et al.; Nat. Commun. 8, 1858 (2017)
- Increased Testosterone Decreases Medial Cortical Volume and Neurogenesis in Territorial Side-Blotched Lizards (Uta stansburiana): L.D. LaDage, et al.; Front. Neurosci. 11, 97 (2017)
- Morinda Officinalis Polysaccharides Stimulate Hypothalamic GnRH Secretion in Varicocele Progression: Z. Zhu, et al.; Evid. Based Complement. Alternat. Med. 2017, 9057959 (2017)
- Effect of Sleep Deprivation on the Male Reproductive System in Rats: J.H. Choi, et al.; J. Korean Med. Sci. 31, 1624 (2016), Application(s): Rat blood sampling for testosterone measurements
- Effects of aging on stress-related responses of serotonergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus of male rats: N. Yamaguchi, et al.; Neurobiol. Stress 3, 43 (2016), Application(s): Measurement of testosterone in rat plasma
- Environmental chemicals impact dog semen quality in vitro and may be associated with a temporal decline in sperm motility and increased cryptorchidism: R.G. Lea, et al.; Sci. Rep. 6, 31281 (2016), Application(s): Testosterone analysis, dog testis explants
- Pleiotropic Control by Testosterone of a Learned Vocal Behavior and Its Underlying Neuroplasticity(1,2,3): B.A. Alward, et al.; eNeuro 3, ENEURO.0145-15.2016 (2016)
■品番:ADI-900-176(Testosterone high sensitivity ELISA kit)
- Dysregulation of Notch and ERα signaling in AhR-/- male mice: B. Huang, et al.; PNAS 18, 113 (2016), Application(s): ELISA using mouse serum
- The early evolving sex hormone environment is associated with significant outcome and inflammatory response differences after injury: S.J. Zolin, et al.; J. Trauma Acute Care Surg. 78, 451 (2015), Application(s): ELISA using human plasma
- Of mice and men--warning: intact versus castrated adult male mice as xenograft hosts are equivalent to hypogonadal versus abiraterone treated aging human males, respectively: J.P. Michiel Sedelaar, et al.; Prostate 73, 1316 (2013), Application(s): ELISA using mouse serum
※ 表示価格について
- 「Testosterone ELISA キット」は、下記のカテゴリーに属しています。