TXB2 ELISA キットは、トロンボキサン B2 を、比色法により定量的に測定できる ELISA キットです。
トロンボキサン B2 とは
血小板凝集、血管収縮、生殖機能などに関与するトロンボキサンA2(Thromboxane A2:TXA2)の生理的条件下での半減期は数十秒と短いため、一般的にはTXA2 から加水分解により産生されたより安定的な トロンボキサン B2(TXB2) がモニターされます。TXB2 の主要代謝産物である 11-デヒドロ-TXB2(11-dehydro-TXB2)は、11-OH-デヒドロゲナーゼ(11-OH-dehydrogenase)による脱水素により尿中および血漿中より検出されることが知られています。
- 高感度測定(10.54 pg/ml)
- デュプリケートで最大37サンプルまで、3時間で測定可能
- 製品使用文献多数
交差性 | サンプルタイプ | 感度 | 測定範囲 |
種問わず | 細胞培養上清、血漿、血清、唾液、尿、細胞ライセート*、 冠状動脈流出液*、肝灌流液*、血小板*、全血* |
10.54 pg/ml | 13.7 - 10,000 pg/ml |
図1 スタンダードカーブ
品名 | メーカー | 品番 | 包装 | 希望販売価格 |
TXB2 ELISA kit | ENZ | ADI-900-002 | 96 WELL |
¥97,000 |
TXB2 ELISA kit | ENZ | ADI-901-002 | 5*96 WELL |
お問い合わせ |
- Critical roles for the phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase isoforms p110β and p110γ in thrombopoietin-mediated priming of platelet function: S.F. Moore, et al.; Sci. Rep. 9, 1468 (2019), Application(s): ELISA- Mouse Platelet Supernatant
- Protective Effects of Total Flavones of Elaeagnus rhamnoides (L.) A. Nelson against Vascular Endothelial Injury in Blood Stasis Model Rats: Z. Wei, et al.; Evid. Based Complement. Alternat. Med. 2017, 8142562 (2017)
- Cardiac volume overload and pulmonary hypertension in long-term follow-up of patients with a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt: A. Wannhoff, et al.; Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther. 43, 955 (2016), Application(s): Measured peripheral blood levels of thromboxane B2 (TXB2)
- Dietary acrylamide exposure in male F344 rats: Dataset of systemic oxidative stress and inflammation markers: X. Jin, et al.; Data Brief 7, 460 (2016), Application(s): Measured TXB2 in serum samples
- Local intra-uterine Ang-(1-7) infusion attenuates PGE2 and 6-keto PGF1α in decidualized uterus of pseudopregnant rats: K.B. Brosnihan, et al.; Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. 14, 68 (2016), Application(s): Assaying tissue extracts
- The lack of aspirin resistance in patients with coronary artery disease: N. Homorodi, et al.; J. Transl. Med. 14, 74 (2016), Application(s): Detection of aspirin effect
- Water soluble tomato concentrate regulates platelet function via the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway: D. Jeong, et al.; Korean J. Vet. Res. 56, 67 (2016), Application(s): Measurement of TXB2 production effect
- Nanoparticle biointerfacing by platelet membrane cloaking: C.J. Hu, et al.; Nature 526, 118 (2015), Application(s): Human platelet aggregation assay
- Pistacia chinensis Methanolic Extract Attenuated MAPK and Akt Phosphorylations in ADP Stimulated Rat Platelets In Vitro: J.Y. Park, et al.; Evid. Based Complement. Alternat. Med. 2012, 895729 (2012), Application(s): EIA using rat cell lysates
- Time-dependent changes in non-COX-1-dependent platelet function with daily aspirin therapy: D. Voora, et al.; J. Thromb. Thrombolysis 33, 246 (2012), Application(s): ELISA using human serum
- Delta-6-desaturase (FADS2) deficiency unveils the role of ω3-and ω6-polyunsaturated fatty acids: W. Stoffel, et al. ; EMBO J. 27, 2281 (2008), Application(s): EIA using mouse culture supernatants
- Role of thromboxane A2 in early BDL-induced portal hypertension: Y. Yokoyama, et al. ; Am. J. Physiol. Gastrointest. Liver Physiol. 284, G453 (2003), Application(s): EIA using liver perfusate
- A high level of cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor selectivity is associated with a reduced interference of platelet cyclooxygenase-1 inactivation by aspirin: M. Ouellet, et al. ; PNAS 98, 14583 (2001), Application(s): EIA using human culture supernatants
※ 表示価格について
- 「TXB2 ELISA キット」は、下記のカテゴリーに属しています。