
記事ID : 35858

ロイコトリエン B4 を高感度に測定可能 LTB4 ELISA キット


LTB4 ELISA キットは、ロイコトリエン B4 を、比色法により定量的に測定できる ELISA キットです。


LTB4 とは

ロイコトリエン(Leukotriene)は、5-リポキシゲナーゼによりアラキドンン酸から合成されます。ロイコトリエンB4(Leukotriene B4:LTB4)は、白血球を刺激して多形核白血球のリソソーム酵素の放出や接着、凝集などを引き起こします。また、炎症性疾患および免疫調節の強力なメディエーターとして知られています。


  • 高感度測定(5.63 pg/ml)
  • 製品使用文献多数
  • デュプリケートで最大39サンプルまで、4時間で測定可能


交差性 サンプルタイプ 感度 測定範囲
種問わず 細胞培養上清、血漿、唾液、尿、気管支肺胞洗浄液*、細胞ライセート*、血清*、組織抽出液*、全血* 5.63 pg/ml 11.7 - 3,000 pg/ml



図1 スタンダードカーブ


品名 メーカー 品番 包装 希望販売価格
LTB4 ELISA kit詳細データ ENZ ADI-900-068 96 WELL
LTB4 ELISA kit詳細データ ENZ ADI-901-068 5*96 WELL


品名 メーカー 品番 包装 希望販売価格
Leukotriene B4詳細データ ENZ BML-LB004-0050 50 UG
Leukotriene B4詳細データ ENZ BML-LB004-1000 1 MG


  1. Homocysteine modulates 5-lipoxygenase expression level via DNA methylation: J.G. Li, et al.; Aging Cell 16, 273 (2017)
  2. Leukotriene B4 levels in sputum from asthma patients: H. Higham, et al.; ERJ Open Res. 2, 00088-2015 (2016), Application(s): Analysis in human sputum supernatants
  3. Miconidin Acetate and Primin as Potent 5-Lipoxygenase Inhibitors from Brazilian Eugenia hiemalis (Myrtaceae): G.A. Zatelli, et al.; Planta Med. Lett. 3, e17 (2016), Application(s): Concentration of LBT4 was measured in human cells
  4. 5-Lipoxygenase is a candidate target for therapeutic management of stem cell-like cells in acute myeloid leukemia: J. Roos, et al.; Cancer Res. 74, 5244 (2014), Application(s): EIA using mouse hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPC) supernatant
  5. Clostridium difficile-induced colitis in mice is independent of leukotrienes: B.C. Trindade, et al.; Anaerobe 30, 90 (2014), Application(s): ELISA using cecal homogenates
  6. Effect of a low-fat fish oil diet on proinflammatory eicosanoids and cell-cycle progression score in men undergoing radical prostatectomy: C. Gallet, et al.; Cancer Prev. Res. (Phila) 7, 97 (2014)
  7. Impact of wines and wine constituents on cyclooxygenase-1, cyclooxygenase-2, and 5-lipoxygenase catalytic activity: Z. Kutil, et al.; Mediators Inflamm. 2014, 178931 (2014), Application(s): ELISA using cell lysates
  8. Zileuton restores memory impairments and reverses amyloid and tau pathology in aged Alzheimer's disease mice: A. Di Meco, et al.; Neuobiol. Aging 35, 2458 (2014), Application(s): ELISA using brain homogenates
  9. Pharmacologic blockade of 5-lipoxygenase improves the amyloidotic phenotype of an Alzheimer's disease transgenic mouse model involvement of γ-secretase: J. Chu, et al.; Am. J. Pathol. 178, 1762 (2011), Application(s): ELISA using brain homogenates
  10. 5-Lipoxygenase gene disruption reduces amyloid-beta pathology in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease: T. Wisniewski, et al. ; FASEB J. 22, 1169 (2008), Application(s): EIA using mouse tissue, culture supernatants & urine
  11. Delta-6-desaturase (FADS2) deficiency unveils the role of ω3-and ω6-polyunsaturated fatty acids: W. Stoffel, et al. ; EMBO J. 27, 2281 (2008), Application(s): EIA using mouse culture supernatants
  12. The adaptogens rhodiola and schizandra modify the response to immobilization stress in rabbits by suppressing the increase of phosphorylated stress-activated protein kinase, nitric oxide and cortisol: A. Panossian, et al.; Drug Target Insights 2, 39 (2007), Application(s): ELISA using serum samples
  13. TLR3-dependent induction of nitric oxide synthase in RAW 264.7 macrophage-like cells via a cytosolic phospholipase A2/cyclooxygenase-2 pathway: J. Pindado, et al.; J. Immunol. 179, 4821 (2007), Application(s): ELISA using culture supernatants



「LTB4 ELISA キット」は、下記のカテゴリーに属しています。




